ONLINE Ministry Spiritualist Gathering
Spiritualist Gathering - Inspirational Speaking, Mediumship, Channeling, Oracle Readings, Meditation
Service Description
Come Join us for our Bi-Weekly Breakthrough Services to experience the next evolution of spirituality and spiritualism. During each gathering, there will be channeled divine guidance from angels, guides, masters & loved ones in spirit based on your individual questions, inspirational speaking to lift the spirit & nourish the soul, group sound frequency, energy healing, guided meditation. group & individual coaching and invited guest speakers and mediums, And through mediumship, we will commune with our spirit allies & our loved ones who continually provide us with support, healing & definitive evidence that life continues after we leave our physical form. As a modern spiritualist community, we believe that it is critical to continually support and evolve with the personal and spiritual needs of our community. So we offer a newer, more customized, more expansive and inclusive approach to connecting with the divine creator, the divine spirit of loved ones, our guides and our own innate divine nature for the purpose of spiritual awakening and development, self-healing, self-improvement and empowerment to expand our own ability to connect to all of our spirit allies as well as our own divine purpose. We hope to inspire and empower you with a more compassionate & truthful perspective on spirituality, the divine love, wisdom, the power that lies within all of us & the tools to help you manifest a more harmonious, balanced & fulfilling life. We create a loving environment that accepts all lifestyles and is open to a more diverse perspective on spiritual development a supporting each other as we traverse life's challenges is very important to us. So, please join us in a celebration of life & spirit as we join together to tap into the unconditionally loving and accepting nature of the divine creator & embrace our own unlimited potential. Please know that there is no dogma here in our community, so you are free to honor and value your own spiritual traditions and perspectives while experiencing the openness and limitlessness of this newly expanded version of the Spiritualist perspective. This is a donation based offering and gathering, so invite like minded friends and family to join us. We wish to offer this in a way that is accessible to everyone and as part of a way of supporting an awakened community.

Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
All services, appointments, sessions, classes, courses and trainings are pre-paid and non-refundable. For appointments and sessions only, If you need to cancel an appointment or session, please give us at least 24 hours notice and at least 48 hours for 2-hour appointments and above. We will try to reschedule you as soon as we have availability. For classes, courses and trainings, we may be able to have you join a future class, course or training, if available, as long as you let us know at least 48 hours before the date and time the course, class or trainings are set to begin. Also, once you attend the first class in a series, course or training, we cannot reschedule you for a future training. Also, If you do not cancel during the cancellation periods, or you cancel more than two times, we reserve the option to not reschedule you. Missed appointments for any of our services are non-refundable. We understand that extenuating circumstances do arise and we will consider those on a one to one basis when we make a decision about cancellations.
Contact Details