Ministry Memberships & Packages
For new local clients who want to really get to know us, we are offering a one-time Introductory Package to include several of our services at a highly discounted rate. In this package, you receive the following:
One - "Crystal' Bioenergy Field Aura Diagnostic with our one-of-a-kind technology that tests the energy in your bioenergy system, your chakras, your auric field; A fully comprehensive look at energy blockages and what causes them. ($175 value)
One - (Q.U.I.E.T.) Quantum Unity Intuitive Energy Therapy Healing session - which includes personalized crystal bowl sound healing, chakra balancing, intuitive heart-centered dialogue for understanding what is energetically clearing, polarity energy healing therapy, and shamanic healing. ($222 value)
One Post "Crystal" Diagnostic Bioenergy-Field, chakra and aura session to see the real-time effects of the energy healing session. ($97 Value)
One - 45 minute Oracle reading - with Volodymyr - ($97 Value)
One - 45 minute intuitive reading, empowerment mentorship, and goal setting session with Roberto ($97 Value)
One digital recording of one soul healing, heart opening, guided mediation journey. ($57 Value)
One- 20 minute digital recording of one of our crystal sound bowl healing session designed to calm the mind, balance and harmonize your energy centers and induce a deep state of relaxation. Can used daily to enhance meditation practice and to relax you before bed. (Priceless!)
One month of attendance to our bi-weekly Spiritualist Gatherings - These uplifting, high-vibrational 1.5 hour online- live zoom and in-person sessions are a more modernized and expanded version of spiritualist gatherings which are designed to be food for the soul, fostering inner healing and spiritual growth, with divinely channeled inspirational speaking and messages from ascended masters, angels, guides, and loved ones in spirit. We also share more truthful perspectives on spirituality, manifestation, healing, and harnessing your own divine power, by sharing the ancient wisdom of shamans and practical ways to navigate life's challenges with more ease and grace. ($47 value).
For more information check out our services section of our website where your will get more detailed descriptions of each service. Or provide your contact information using our Contact Us page of our website. We will schedule a time to call you to answer any questions you may have.
This package has a value of $792. (Your price $350).
Enjoy the benefits of joining our recurring Monthly Spiritualist Membership Package which includes two of our online, live spiritualist gatherings per month, one 30 minute reading of your choice, free access to our guided journey archive, one 60 minute live zoom check-in Q&A session, 20% off one service per month (does not include the mystery school trainings or other memberships, mentorships or packages), pre-release access to other virtual content, and access to our private ministry facebook group, so you can converse and share experiences with other ministry members from all around the world?
Experience the next evolution of spirituality and spiritualism. During each spiritualist gathering, there will be inspirational speaking to lift the spirit & nourish the soul, practical and mystical teachings and advice, spiritual ceremony & blessings, channeled divine guidance from angels, guides, masters & loved ones in spirit, group sound frequency & energy healing, guided meditation, self-reflection, and through mediumship, we will commune with our spirit allies and loved ones who continually provide us with support, healing & definitive evidence that life continues after we leave our physical form.
As a modern spiritualist community, we believe it is critical to continually support & evolve with the personal and spiritual needs of our community. So we offer a newer, more customized, more expansive and inclusive approach to connecting with the divine creator, the divine spirit of loved ones, our guides & our own innate divine nature for the purpose of spiritual awakening self-healing, self-development and empowerment that expands our own ability to connect to all of our spirit allies and our own divine purpose.
We hope to inspire and empower you with a more compassionate and truthful perspective on spirituality, the divine love, wisdom and power that lies within all of us, and the tools to help you manifest a more harmonious, balanced and fulfilling life. We create a loving environment that accepts all lifestyles and is open to a more diverse perspective on spiritual development, supporting each other as we traverse life's challenges is very important to us.
Please know that there is no dogma here in our community, so you are free to honor and value your own spiritual traditions and perspectives while experiencing the openness and limitlessness of this newly expanded version of the Spiritualist Perspective.
We ask for your support as a founding member by asking for a donation of $99 per month

8 Individual 1 to 1 Mentorship package
1 package of 8 individual customized, 1 hour 1 to 1 personalized mentorship sessions.
Personalized Mentorship Program - first session is an hour and a half long which includes a detailed life goal assessment, intuitive channelled messages and spiritual guide reading, as well as a plan of action based on personal goals and insights discovered during the session. Each subsequent session will be 1 hour long. If you choose, you will also receive personalized 1 on 1 training in any of our offered mystical and spiritual trainings that are meant to empower you in implementing your life plan.
Discover and manifest your souls true calling, gain insight into your life plan, and channelled guidance from your spirit guides. Build your confidence, skills and talents with personalized encouragement, and open you up to what you truly desire by recognizing and overcoming programming and obstacles, all of which are a means to empower yourself and manifest our own fulfillment.
This is the same offerings as in the single session individual 1 to 1 mentorship, but at a discount because you are committing to 8 sessions.
For this package you may use 1 session per week or 1 per month. Or any other iteration within an 8 month period. This gives you time to develop and implement what is discovered in each session at your own pace, while also allowing you consistency.
When you purchase this package, make your first appointment online and then subsequent sessions will be coordinated during your first appointment session.