The Ministry of the Diamond Light is an modern, Spiritualist, Scientific and Mystical Healing Community, combining quantum science, technology, innovative bio-energy healing modalities, and mystical and spiritual knowledge and trainings with practical applications that empower, heal and bring self-awareness. Everything we endeavor to do addresses The many layers of a person and their healing process, From the Physical, and Mental Aspects to one's emotional and spiritual well-being.
We also seek truth and evidence of the esoteric and mystical, guided by natural laws, sacred knowledge and quantum principles combined with practical approaches that are meaningful and helpful for a person’s self-empowerment, self-fulfillment, spiritual growth and multi-layered healing process.
We work with enlightened information contained within a person’s bioenergy informational field that allows us to understand the information contained in the many dimensional layers of the human energy form and how this information within the system effects our mental, emotional and physical wellness and state of being. Diagnosing imbalances and disturbances in your energy field can allow you to become aware of and preempt future physical discomfort and disease and to inform the modality of healing that will be most beneficial to you.
In all of its teachings, Healings and Empowerment mentorships it diverse collection of offerings, The Ministry, hopes to build a peaceful and accepting environment of self-discovery, where everyone can safely learn new practical, spiritual and mystical life-enhancing skills that will help you expand your intuition, raise your vibrational frequency and help you discover your most powerful spiritual allies; all of which leads us to our own Divine power and the fulfillment of our ultimate Soul calling.
We also hope to challenge you to see things in a new way and to value yourself and others in a way that you may have never thought possible, allowing us to more easily let go of our attachments to the programming and negative thought patterns that disconnect us, disempower us and keep us from reaching our full potential.
More importantly, The Ministry Of The Diamond Light wishes to help you forge your destined path to success by helping you build self-confidence, self acceptance and the skills that will help you connect more deeply with yourself and others.
In a compassionate loving environment, Continually Channeling the high vibrational frequency of the diamond light (the frequency of divine love), The ministry Ultimately hopes to help you discover the ways in which you can reclaim your power and become your own divine creator!
We are a non-denominational, dogma-free, guilt free, compassionate, loving, accepting environment, that fosters and aims to nurture your own personal Self-empowered connection to the divine creator, God, the infinite divine intelligence, the divine laws of the quantum field, as well as the divine creator within you.
Although we embody the overlapping principles of spiritualism and ancient sacred knowledge, our approach is different from any traditional religious organization. You are free to explore your own personal version of your own spirituality. Our focus is on empowering you through scientific, sacred knowledge and innovative healing modalities to give you a clearer understanding of the divine principles that have practical applications in your life and allow you to manifest the life your soul desires. In that vain, We offer tools for Self-awareness, self-actualization, personal achievement, and self-healing, which are all meant to help you discover, and fulfill the divine plan you set out for yourself.
Our expanded version of a spiritualist gathering is to bring the community together both in-person and online to experience all of the benefits of inspired, channelled spiritual guidance and healing that can direct you to practical solutions to life’s challenges. We offer Mystical, Practical and Spiritual tools that bring empowerment, insight and healing while empowering you to tap into your own unlimited potential for a more self-directed and fulfilling life experience.
We love to help people navigate the difficulties that arise in life by helping to shift our perception to understand how each challenge is also an opportunity for empowerment. We do this all an accepting, supportive, loving, compassionate environment.
Rev. Volodymyr Karnaukh
Volodymyr, born in Kiev, Ukraine, began his journey into the world of psychic readings with oracle cards at 7 years old. As a child and young adult, he eagerly studied all of the signs and symbols Held within these cards and developed the ability to Intuitively know the meanings of these cards as it pertained uniquely to each client that sat for a reading. He also has given many channelled messages and spiritual guidance to many adults and was sought out by many people of significance in his country of origin.
Through his work with the thousands of people he has read for over the years, He soon discovered that the cards he uses open the door to the energetic connection of a person to information and messages from their spiritual guides, Guardian angels and the spirit of their loved ones, which enhances his ability to tune into and channel the vibrations of pertinent situations in the life of the person seeking guidance.
With 25 years of experience, He has have been honing his skills and techniques with various decks, collecting and understanding exactly how to improve the ability to psychically and intuitively enhance his card readings. Not only does he read from the cards in a kind, sensitive and caring manner, but he also gently connects to the energetic field of those he reads for and to what he receives from their spirit allies that will most benefit them in their current life. Often, his readings will include mediumship messages from loved ones, and will validate and reveal insights to past, present and possible future events in the lives of those he reads for.
Volodymyr has collected and hand selected over 200 Unique oracle decks from different countries and cultures that pertain uniquely to an array of aspects of a person's life and he is well versed in all of them. He works regularly with over a dozen decks that he connects the most with and which are infused with the energy of his many readings. He may use one or more decks per reading which verifies and uniquely adds to the profoundness of the messaging. These channeled messages are all meant for the positive benefit of his clients and each deck gives a different insight to each aspect of a person's personal experiences.

Volodymyr is also a well versed researcher of psychology and the science of the human energetic system (auric Field) and how it relates to physical ailments and healing. After receiving a master's degree in psychology in Ukraine in 2010 and certification in a unique and rare technological advancement that tests and analyzes the quality of the energy levels in a person's meridians and gives an advanced diagnosis of their human energetic field, He now resides in the United States of America, where he continues to weave all of his spiritual and mystical abilities together with his knowledge of psychology and healing through the energetic field. This unique combination is designed to benefit his clients in a practical way by combining this knowledge with his knowledge of energy, spirituality and its effects on the human spirit and physical form.
His study of the information-energy field and energy system (energy meridians, chakras) allows him have a wide range of tools for the modern diagnostics of the bioenergy-informational state of the human body as it pertains to the healing of energetic connection between the mind, body and spirit. This In-person diagnostic will be combined with our other in-person energy healing services at our healing center for a more comprehensive, modern approach to holistic healing.