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Akashic Records Reading - 1-hr Live Zoom

1 hour channeled reading with your masters and guides

1 h
175 US dollars
Flagler Village - Fort Lauderdale Location|ONLINE ZOOM SESSION

Service Description

Akashic records readings are channeled messages received from your masters and guides that have helped you decide what your soul intended in this incarnation. Your guides and masters wish to keep you aligned by answering any life questions of which you seek guidance. In this way they are part of your spirit team meant to guide you toward achieving what you set out to do in this lifetime. They are here to remind you and support you on your soul's journey. Akasha, itself, is the energetic substance that holds together and connects everything in the universe. Your Akashic Records is an etheric, higher dimensional library that contains everyone's book of life for all the incarnations of your soul. When Akashic Record readers connect to your records, they channel information from your guides that is pertinent to the life plan you set up with your guide. In this way the reader can tap into, validate and help you remember your intended life plan and to give you information and messages that your guides wish you to know to keep you aligned to your soul's calling. Your records are the blueprint you drew up for each incarnation and is a record of all that has transpired and all that you intended to have transpire in this incarnation as well as past incarnations. They are a record the lessons and experiences you wished to have in this lifetime and contain the life lessons, we put before us so as to gain insight through the experiences we with designed with our guides to help you grow. The records and your guides are there to help you remember. You also must, remember always that the life plan you decided upon is only a blueprint for your soul's personal growth in this Earthly plane. Your free will allows you to redesign how that plan and the events of your life unfold. The more tuned in you are to your records and your plan, the more harmonious the unfolding. So staying aligned is the key. In this way, the Akashic Records can help you stay aligned to your path, clarify your life's mission and purpose, understand the reason(s) behind the difficulties and places you feel stuck in life, and help you find answers and valuable insights that will allow you to shift your perspective and empower you to get past stuck points, repetitive issues and difficulties so you can more easily dissolve the ways in which we hold ourselves back from our desired evolution. You will receive a recording of your reading so you may remember the guidance and insights you receive.

Cancellation Policy

All services, appointments, sessions, classes, courses and trainings are pre-paid and non-refundable. For appointments and sessions only, If you need to cancel an appointment or session, please give us at least 24 hours notice and at least 48 hours for 2-hour appointments and above. We will try to reschedule you as soon as we have availability. For classes, courses and trainings, we may be able to have you join a future class, course or training, if available, as long as you let us know at least 48 hours before the date and time the course, class or trainings are set to begin. Also, once you attend the first class in a series, course or training, we cannot reschedule you for a future training. Also, If you do not cancel during the cancellation periods, or you cancel more than two times, we reserve the option to not reschedule you. Missed appointments for any of our services are non-refundable. We understand that extenuating circumstances do arise and we will consider those on a one to one basis when we make a decision about cancellations.

Contact Details

  • Northeast 5th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA


  • USA


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